Upcoming Events

Soul Talk
Thursday at 7pm at NeueHouse Madison, I'm doing a free talk + workshop called Soul Talk, about getting in touch with our souls. If you're craving some connection to self, this is a good space for it. Just RSVP here: https://partiful.com/e/rbu9ZTRGYazO7kEupqoA

La meditación más simple del mundo: un taller gratuito
La meditación más simple del mundo: un taller gratuito
¿Te gustaría aprender la meditación más simple del mundo? Estamos ofreciendo un taller gratuito de meditación de una hora en español. Estará en Zoom el martes 17 de septiembre a las 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Está abierto a todos. ¡Comer!
Todo lo que tienes que hacer para asistir es hacer clic en este enlace a las 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT el 17 de septiembre. ¡Estaremos allí!
Esta meditación es tan fácil que cualquiera puede realizarla la primera vez. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es simplemente sentarte. Le guiaremos a través de él. También hablaremos de cómo te fue.
Esta es una gran oportunidad para ti si has querido aprender a meditar, pero no sabías por dónde empezar.
Su guía es Constanza Yanez, profesora de mindfulness con sede en Oakland, CA.
También te contaremos sobre nuestro nuevo libro, La Meditación más sencilla del mundo. Es una guía breve e ilustrada de la técnica que aprenderás.

The Simplest Meditation in the World: Workshop + Celebration
I wrote a book, “The Simplest Meditation in the World.” It's an adorable board book that delivers exactly what it promises.
You're invited to our book launch event on Zoom, a workshop + celebration on Tuesday, September 10 at 8pm EST / 5pm PST. Register here. It's free. We'll read the book. We'll do the meditation. And you'll meet Kelsey McMillan, the illustrator. (It takes place right before the presidential debate. So it's is a great way to prepare for the shenanigans.)
"The Simplest Meditation in the World," is now for sale. Check it out at www.thesimplestmeditation.com.
The cost is $19.95 with free shipping. Consider buying a copy (or three)? It's an adorable board book that delivers exactly what it promises. Great for kids and adults. And makes a perfect gift for that person who wants to meditate but can't quite do it.

Synchronicity and the Magical Unfolding of Time
For a while, I've wanted to hold a workshop called:
and the
Magical Unfolding
of Time
I just didn't know when. I eventually realized the answer would make itself known. Well, here it is:
Monday, May 6
8pm ET / 5 PT online
90 minutes (I think)
Register via Zoom.
Digital doors may (or may not) close at 8:05 EST
This workshop is a co-creation. Together we learn about time. We may do future sessions as they present themselves. So you're entering a container that reveals itself in magical ways. Maybe you've entered it already?

A Talk on Intentions (NYC)
On April 15, I'm doing my monthly talk in midtown again. It's free, open to all and involves snacks.
A Talk about Intentions
Monday, April 15 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
RSVP here and show up.

Radical Empathy in the Middle East (NYC)
“Kawtar El Alaoui, a Canadian Muslim, and David Sauvage, an American Jew, are both expert teachers of emotional intelligence. Together they will surface and express what's truly going on inside their own psyches -- and, by extension, the psychologies of the identities they embody -- to model a path to true and lasting peace. Their dialogue, Kawtar and David will create a safe and inclusive space where participants are seen and heard, modeling a path to peace, integrity, and the humanity we share.” RSVP on the event page.

How We Make Peace (Part 3)
I’m doing the third installment of my experiment in radical peacemaking with an Arab Muslim woman where we model radical empathy across the Muslim-Jewish divide. It’s free and open to all. Sign up on the event page.

A Talk on Love and Polarization (NYC)
On January 22, I'm doing my monthly talk in midtown. It's free, open to all and involves snacks.
Love in the Time of Polarization
Monday, January 22 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
RSVP here and show up.

Emotions 101: 6 Sessions on Zoom
Starting January 10, I'm offering a 6 week course called Emotions 101. It's Wednesday evenings from 8pm to 9:30pm EST on Zoom. Want to join?
I'll teach the basics about emotions in as simple and clear a way as I can. You'll learn the subject with your mind and you body too. This is the education we all needed growing up, but so few of us got. It's not too late!

How We Make Peace (Zoom)
I’m doing an experiment in radical peacemaking with an Arab Muslim woman where we model radical empathy across the Muslim-Jewish divide. It’s free and open to all. Sign up on the event page.

A Night of Grace (NYC)
Tuesday night, December, at 7pm in the East Village in New York City, Erin Eber and I are holding an event called A Night of Grace. I'll give a talk about grace. Then Erin, also known as the Frequency Healer, will bathe us in her vocal toning. John Tittman will accompany on piano. We'll take time to integrate together. And we'll leave feeling connected to the divine. Big promises, I know, but Erin and I will deliver. This one is special. It's at a surreal psychadelic apartment near Astor Place. Tickets are $44 on Eventbrite.

A Talk about Peace (NYC)
On December, I'm doing my monthly talk in midtown. It's free, open to all and involves snacks.
A Talk About Peace
Monday, December 4 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
You can just show up.

A Night to Receive (NYC)
Friday night, November 17, at 7pm in the East Village in New York City, Erin Eber and I are holding an event called A Night to Receive. I'll guide us to a place to receive. Then Erin, also known as the Frequency Healer, will bathe us in her vocal toning. We'll take time to integrate together. And we'll leave feeling connected to the divine. Big promises, I know, but Erin and I will deliver. This one is special. It's at a gorgeous apartment on 13th and 3rd. We have 22 seats. Tickets are $44 on Eventbrite.
The No Small Talk Party (Hudson Valley)
If you’re somewhere within driving distance of the zip code 12523 and you’re free on November 11, I’m open to welcoming you to my upcoming No Small Talk Party. I can’t put the address here, but you can email me at connect@davidsauvage.com, saying you’re interested, and I’ll get back to you! This is basically a house party where small talk isn’t allowed.

A Talk about Spiritual Activism (Bard College)
I’m giving a talk at Bard College on the topic of Spiritual Activism as part of the wellness and mental health programming. It’s at 3:30 on Friday in the room Olin 102. It’s for Bard students and faculty. However, if you’re in the Hudson Valley want want to attend, I can ask if that’s possible. Just email me. Here are the details
Spiritual Activism: How to Be the Change
So many of us want peace, but how can we create peace within ourselves first? This will be a provocative talk about spirituality, personal growth, and global transformation. Learn about what it means to shift power dynamics within yourself so that you can shift power dynamics in the world at large. The speaker is David Sauvage, a veteran activist and founder of www.occupy.com who currently works as a healer and writer in the Hudson Valley.

The Gratitude Workshop (Zoom)
My Gratitude Workshop on Zoom starts October 25 and runs Wednesday evenings for four weeks. If you're wanting more gratitude in your life, this is how.
with David Sauvage and Linda Wright
Here's the schedule:
October 25: How do we cultivate gratitude for real?
November 1: What are we grateful for?
November 8: The art of expressing gratitude.
November 15: How gratitude changes us.
Each session starts at 8pm EST and goes for 90 minutes.
There's a short application. Just fill out this form.
The workshop is a mix of teaching, sharing and practicing. The orientation is around keeping it real and being true to what we're feeling. There won't be shortcuts or spiritual bypassing. We'll earn our gratitude by doing the work of connecting with our authentic experience.
The price is up to you. I ask that you pick an amount based on how much you need to pay to be fully committed. This may take some thinking (and feeling) on your part.
I'll send out recordings to those who enroll.

How to Accept Responsibility and Apologize (NYC)
On October 16, I'm doing my monthly talk in midtown. It's free, open to all and involves snacks.
How to Accept Responsibility and Apologize
Monday, October 16 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
RSVP to mandie@showroomseven.com and show up.

The Frequency of Miracles (NYC)
Friday night, October 6, at 7pm in the East Village in New York City, Erin Eber and I are holding an event called the Frequency of Miracles. I'll guide us to connect with our truest desires. Then Erin, also known as the Frequency Healer, will bathe us in her spectacular vocal toning. We'll take time to integrate together. And we'll leave feeling connected to the divine. Big promises, I know, but Erin and I will deliver. This one is special. It's at a gorgeous apartment on 13th and 3rd. We have 20 seats. Tickets are $40 on Eventbrite.

The Money Prophecy (Zoom)
Mira Lathrop and I invite you to join us for an hourlong Zoom to learn about our project the Money Prophecy. The Money Prophecy is our transmission, in the form of a book, about collective healing around money. We'll share the essence of the prophecy, gather feedback and invite support: emotional, spiritual and financial. No pressure, though. You're welcome to just listen. Register through Zoom.
The Empath Show
A rare performance. Readings live in front of an audience. If you’re in NYC, come. It’s at the Ki Smith Gallery on the Lower East Side. Tickets are $3o.

How to Process Your Emotions
I'm doing a talk in NYC on July 12 about how to process your emotions at my friend Mandie's office as the next installment in my monthly series. By the end, you'll be better at processing your emotions. Truly.
Monday, July 10 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
Just RSVP to mandie@showroomseven.com and show up. It's free.

Making Sacred Art
At the Kripalu Yoga Center in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, I'm co-facilitating an artist retreat on the theme of MAKING SACRED ART with Eset Rose, the director of programming there and an incredible artist in her own right. The intention is for artists to reconnect with the sacred nature of our work in this epic moment of global transformation.
Check out the event page.
A rare performance. Readings live in front of an audience. First and perhaps the only time this year. If you’re in NYC, come. It’s at the Ki Smith Gallery on the Lower East Side. Tickets are $25.

All About Empathy
I'm doing a talk in NYC on March 27 about empathy at my friend Mandie's office as the next installment in my monthly series. By the end, you'll be better at empathy. Truly.
Monday, March 27 @ 7pm
Talk starts @ 7:30pm
Showroom Seven
501 10th Ave
(Entrance on W 38th)
Just RSVP to mandie@showroomseven.com and show up. It's free.

EMPATH: The Experience (Hudson, NY)
David Sauvage, aka "Empath," invites members from the audience onto the stage. He closes his eyes, takes their hand and allows their emotions into his body. Then he expresses what he feels they're feeling. It's alive, in the moment, raw and honest. And it's often amazingly accurate.
Tickets on Eventbrite.

The Simplest Meditation in the World (NYC)
Come learn the simplest meditation in the world with me. If you want to meditate, and you just don’t know how, or can’t motivate yourself, this is literally the easiest thing to do. And we’ll do it together.
Just RSVP to mandie@showroomseven.com and show up. Event is at 501 10th Ave. Entrance on W 38th St.). Free.

EMPATH: The Experience (NYC)
David Sauvage, aka "Empath," invites members from the audience onto the stage. He closes his eyes, takes their hand and allows their emotions into his body. Then he expresses what he feels they're feeling. It's alive, in the moment, raw and honest. And it's often amazingly accurate.
Tickets on Eventbrite.

Dating as a Path to Enlightenment (Los Angeles)
This is a combination talk-and-dating-salon with the company humhum at a TBD location in Los Angeles. You don’t have to be single to join, but you do have to be open to meeting new people and listening to me go deep into the deepest spiritual truths of dating.
Tickets are $30 here.

EMPATH: The Experience (NYC)
David Sauvage, aka "Empath," invites members from the audience onto the stage. He closes his eyes, takes their hand and allows their emotions into his body. Then he expresses what he feels they're feeling. It's alive, in the moment, raw and honest. And it's often amazingly accurate. At the Alchemist’s Kitchen in Soho. Tickets are here.

The Future of Emotional Intelligence (NYC)
I’m giving a talk on "The Future of Emotional Intelligence" near Hudson Yards.
It's at Showroom Seven, 501 10th Avenue, 7th Floor (entrance on 38th St.). Starts at 7pm. Just RSVP to mandie@showroomseven.com and show up.